However, on the urban space of the city of Rurpolis it has little literature, however what it exists is sufficiently consistent, considered the veracity of the facts presented as academic work counts to the book ' ' knowing Rurpolis' ' of the teacher Maria Jose Aguiar Days (2005) that she shows historical aspects, geographic and tourist the place with deposition of pioneers, exactly that the aspects politicians, economic and social need bigger consistency, since, for its dinamicidade, they need to be brought up to date in agreement the partner-economic growth of the city which if considers this work. Borges (2009) in, its book ' ' What he is histria' ' it presents the history of history, developing the daily pay-history of disciplines and its appearance as science. It deals with to theological history, the erudio, the reason and of the progress of this it disciplines. Analyzing the historical materialism and academic history with its current perspectives in Brazil in the schools and in scope of classroom. The author affirms that currently history in Brazil faces a great challenge that is to prepare professors and pupils for the historical production, constructing to know of form ' ' to interdisciplinar, looking for to become possible the dialogue from a diagnosis of the gift, without disrespecting the past with future objectives more, a time that does not have a constant and gradual line of development in the history of the humanity for all the societies and nations. It hisses (2003) argues in its boarding the act to teach history as dimension of the pleasure to know. In this perspective, the school appears as intellectual institution guaranteed through resources technician (installations, equipment, human resources, didactic resources), beyond valuation of the professional with worthy wages. This author suggests to work with historical knowledge contemporary the use of resources as, museum, libraries, archives, artistic productions and participation in movements cultural.
Tag: history
Winston Churchill
Thanks to his gift of foresight, he first appreciated the importance of armored and air forces in modern warfare, and political intuition allowed him to predict the threat posed by carrying humanity fascism. The future winner in two wars, was born November 30, 1874 in Blenheim ancestral castle, which belonged to an ancient race Churchill, his father – Lord Randolph – the third son of the seventh Duke of Marlborough and is therefore not inherited this high-sounding title, which passed in England only the eldest son. But in any case belonged to Winston Churchill to a narrow circle of the English aristocracy, and his mother was American – the daughter of an American millionaire Leonard Jerome. In childhood no one could have predicted that this restless, extremely stubborn and self-assured boy awaits a great future. At school, he studied very poorly, and even in mature years, did not hesitate to recognize in his autobiography that was a very bad student. He received an appropriate education first at home, then in a closed private school in Ascot and Harrow.
It is true that Churchill's dislike for Latin closed his way to Cambridge or Oxford – the most famous British universities, but he finished military school at Sandhurst – the British officers forge. In 1895 he began serving a hussar regiment. But soon Churchill leaves the army to enter politics. In 1900 he was elected a member of the House of Commons. At 33, he entered the cabinet, becoming Minister of Commerce, and two years later was appointed minister of internal affairs in England. .
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